Monday, 14 January 2013



sign virgo


2013 would be a significant year for career as well as family matters. The recent challenges you have felt during 2012 will ease out, as an impression of abundance would come about in your life.
Challenges in family matter will be present. There might be health problems for close family or unnecessary issues in family life. The good news is that these problems are like to bond your better with people around you.
You will find that no matter what the issue, your luck will remain strong enough to bail you out of situations that come up this year.
A tendency to worry more than usual will develop from February.
Career will get into a phase of expansion from June 2013. There will be new opportunities in work, your stature would rise, a promotion is in the offing and the scope of your work will expand and so would the pressures. November onwards the activity level will peak and significant work related changes would start showing up. You should work as hard as possible and not think about returns. All growth & new areas that open up now, will bring exceptional gains next year.

Financial position will rise this year. The source of funds could be mysterious in nature, at least to outsiders. You will get an opportunity to make lots of money. Some of the sources might be dubious. You should be discerning in your commercial decisions now. Stock markets or equity investments could become a source of big earning now.
Marriages will be quite positive. Spouse will be nice and gentle till May 2013. June onwards spouse will experience a rise in career & status. While this will bring a rise in prosperity, the closeness felt in the earlier parts if the year could slip away. You should ensure you spend quality time with spouse and bond well throughout.
Love & romance could be dry this year. There would be some karmic or fatalistic aspects to love. September might see a new love which would be more fated than planned for you.
Health might become a concern for you during June. You should be cautious about injuries too during this.
2013 would be very good to make progress at work and make some exceptional financial gains.

You pass to high speed, this year, in all the fields. This is by the other ones than you will consolidate the things, through your knowledge which you will find the feeling of internal security that you seek. The impulses of Mars will galvanize your actions in the direction of a greater safety, in the broad sense, and in all the fields. Your conservatism will carry you chance and will enable you to get rid of certain material concern, in particular. That releases you the spirit to pass to high speed to make evolve/move your projects in a constructive direction. Much to make, in a slackened relational environment, here a beautiful program.
The course of your professional life goes s' to accelerate, this year. Indeed, you will have at the same time requirements to regulate very quickly and changes d' organizations to be set up. The impulses of Mars boost your need for recognition, and that will help you to face the transformations which will not lack to happen. You put the twice the work in your daily work, and your zeal tends to wake up the malicious gossip. You do not astonish in addition to measure and carry on your road without you to formalize… The Mercury impulses

1 comment:

  1. Find out your horoscope with new pattern and I would like to thank this blog which provide such a amazing horoscope.
    horoscope of 2013
