Monday, 14 January 2013


sign capricorn


Career, Career & Career. This is how 2013 would emerge for you. Your personal abilities will peak while your stature would rise too substantially. It is a year when your will wield much higher authority & the ability to mold things the way you will. An explosion of new opportunities will come about after the 14th January 2013. Not all of these options would be the right ones. You have to remember that all that glitters is not gold. As long as you are discerning & cautious about your career choices, a meteoric rise at work can come about for you.
One aspect that you need to remember is that sudden growth is liable for sudden fall also. Therefore you should remain humane, understanding and polite to people around you. Chances of carrying out activities which might not be totally legal. You need to remain cautious & not cross legal lines which you might regret towards the end of the year.
It is a great year from the perspective of children. If applicable, very good chances of birth or conception of a child till May 2013. You will be very creative this year. New ideas and capabilities would develop for you. You could learn a lot this year. If you make efforts, the new path you take up now will put you in good trajectory for the next 3-4 years. Career & hard work will be the norm after June 2013.
Focus will be high on professional aspects & therefore chances of neglecting personal life & some gaps in love possible. You should ensure you do give more time to your family this year. You need to be careful about injuries just at the beginning of the year as well as during August & September.
2013 will be a landmark year. Career progress will be high. You should make the most of this time & make up as much of professional ground, as possible, this year.
You will live planetary impulses which will allow you in a general way, to find more lightness and to diversify you. More occasions of leisure, thus an increased facility will be born, you will learn how thanks to the situations that you will meet, to still relativize more the human phenomena. This is your tolerance which extends your comprehension in all the fields. That brings a serenity increased to you thus a greater moral energy to apprehend the circumstances with an unquestionable sense of smell; the stars release you this year of certain material considerations, which leaves the free field to more humanistic concerns to you.
The Saturn impulses and Pluto in aspect with your sign come to reinforce your basic effectiveness, this year. You combine depth of reasoning with a major realism, and this is without you to veil the face which you will consider your situation present before starting again this year. This will be possible with changes that you will be able to set up. Your approach towards your collaborators, your superiors will install a climate of trust which enables you to play of your assets in all peace: you will put a point of honor particular to return work well done, with the chalk line. And in fact, your efforts of precision will be worth for sympathies and recognition! Stain despite everything not to make for as much the work of the others, which they will be tempted to benefit from your spontaneous

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