Monday, 14 January 2013



sign scorpio


Your sign Scorpio signifies determination, secrecy & persistence till you reach your goal. 2013 will see the planetary combinations in harmony with your nature. Most of your professional activities will be under wraps. Quite a lot of work would be done out of the public eye.
This is one year when you will gain much from clandestine work, behind the scenes activity & more. You will be on projects that you might be able to share much about with others. At times work could be on the borderline of legal & illegal. You will have to be very cautious post June 2013 to avoid falling to temptation. Since there are chances of getting an adverse brush with law, not breaking the law would be the best option for you.
Chances of marriage will be quite high this year too. If you were not able to get married, then chances are bright till May 2013. At thesame time love affair that are unconventional could happen too. An element of forbidden & secrecy in love matters would take place too. The attraction & romance could be more physical than emotional this year.
Professionals would have a very gainful year. There would be a possibility of making gains from clients who need you desperately. There would be an opportunity to get paid very well for your efforts.
Health might be lower than average after June. You might feel a pull down on your overall well being. Ability to take pressure & deep thinking might be effected.
Expenses & outflows would be very high this year. You should keep away from any kind of speculative activities. New overheads might turn out to be wasteful. You should work within the existing parameters and success is better achieved when your expenses & liabilities are down.
Overall the year will present challenges. Finances might cause some issues but you will manage well. Faith in god & righteousness would be good safeguards now.
The resumption of the re-entry continues intensely, for you, this year. You enter the year under planetary impulses very instigating with the social plan, relational. And paradoxically, you will test a need for withdrawal, of retreat, even insulation towards the change appropriated which will still not miss arising. The last Jupiter impulses in a friendly sign are there to give you the last fundamental dashes of the opening of your ambitions. The aspects of Venus and Mars thereafter will reactivate your creativity… In all the fields! You will live intense alternations of contacts and meditation, phases of work concentrated with moments of total relaxation.
Your professional life is announced rich moving relational, profitable collaborations, fertile agreements for your future. Occasions of changes will have to arrive more close to your ambitions. You will be confronted with circumstances which bring new knowledge to you, and which thereafter, will open doors to you on the professional level. To envisage joint projects or which approach and are supplemented between you and these people. Dialogues will notably inform you on the true nature of your professional motivations. If you work in the artistic field or if you have a trade in creative matter, the chance will

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