Monday, 14 January 2013

Free Rashi Calculator By Date Of Birth

Free Rashi Calculator By Date Of Birth

Your rashi or Vedic moon sign is essentially the sign where moon was positioned at the time of your birth. Also known as moon sign, rashi is instrumental in calculating your Vedic astrology readings. Your rashi is the most important point in your kundli or horoscope. It is the factor that reflects your personality and also indicates the key elements that manoeuvre your life’s ups and downs.
Let us help you find your rashi or Vedic astrology moon sign and know more about the characteristic personality traits of people under different rashis.

Free Rashi Calculator
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What is my Rashi? Did you know rashi calculator reveals your nature and personality traits? Let us tell you how knowing your rashi and getting a rashi chart helps you. Like sun sign in Western astrology, Moon sign is the most important criteria in Vedic astrology – the most ancient among all astrology principles. Your inherent nature and your innate qualities are revealed.

Rashi calculator not only finds your rashi or moon sign, but also provides your moon sign report. You can know which gemstone is most suitable. You will have an inkling if doing business would lead to prosperity. You can also know which profession to choose as a career.

When you get your Vedic astrology moon sign profile from a rashi calculator, you should see that your moon sign compatibility is also included in the reading. Rashi compatibility is determined on the basis of the natural traits and ways of thinking of two individuals, as determined by their moon signs. Would you like to get free rashi calculation instantly? You can get it here. All you need to do is to enter your birth details in the given spaces. This online rashi calculator will deliver your rashi profile in a few seconds.

Free 2013 Horoscope Astrology Predictions - BASED ON MOON SIGN

Free 2013 Horoscope Astrology Predictions     - BASED ON MOON SIGN

 Click on Your Moon Sign Image (Rashi) To View Your Report


sign aries
sign taurus
sign gemini
sign cancer
sign leo
sign virgo
sign libra
sign scorpio
sign sagittarius
sign capricorn
sign aquarius
sign pisces



sign aries


2013 would be an active year, although you would see challenges and oppositions often.
Gains and family would play an important part till the 31st of May 2013. Beyond that you might end up losing some ground that was build up over the last 3-4 years.
You need to ensure you get good counsel and advice throughout this year as chances of poor decisions are high.
A rash decision regarding marriage or a partnership could spoil issues substantially. If you get good counsel, some very major and useful alliances could come about. Career could see a peak, if handled well.
Marriage matters would be a source of challenge after the 19th February till June 2013.

This year will be highly dynamic in all the fields. The aspects of Uranus and Jupiter in conjunction with your sign will instigate the course of your life in the direction of more exchanges with your entourage, your role towards them is reinforced. You will not fail to feel you useful. The planetary authorities in the broad sense will put fire at the powders in your relational life. Indeed, you will be spared, you will have less often than ordinary of the moments of loneliness, and it will be necessary to fight to find the peace which you will need regularly. Concessions will be essential to the fluidity of your relations, the required efforts; you will have to gain you there much even.
Your inventiveness will be the one of your best assets, in the professional field, This year. You will be able to determine with a frightening precision the needs for your interlocutors and to make them coincide with your own waiting. The trade negotiations are favored, and even I you must proceed by successive stages, you can achieve your goal perfectly, even if seemingly you leave ballast to your interlocutors. The simple facts, realities, evidence will be the pivot of your success in these talks. THIS is with more d' balance that d' practice which you will be able to leave delicate situations. If you are in research d' employment or in a trade in investigatory matter, you will have an unquestionable sense of smell, especially the first 4 months of the year 2013. THIS is the best moment to make proof d' audacity and especially to trust you with your instinct.
The tonality of your love life will be mitigated at the beginning of year. You are wondering a lot and the answers are never simple this year. Single or already in couple, you will meet circumstances which will enable you to reinforce your existing bonds or to create new very favorable ones in the long run, provided that you are ready to take patience as for evolution of your partner. Your attractiveness is clearly rising, you will not have any difficulty in allure, to convince, your expression gains in impact and your affectivity is acting… A second should not especially be hesitated to leave your reserve, and to accept the invitations and festivities



sign taurus


2013 would be a landmark year for you. You will make excellent progress all round. Career will peak after years of planning and hard work. Opportunities would mature from various sources now.
Financially a very rewarding period would commence from June 2013. Substantial gains could come about along with a very positive period in family matters.
The combination of Saturn & Rahu would cause Maha Yoga in your house of work. This should take career to new heights now. Expenses and actions of secret enemies should be guarded against.
The softness of living will overlap with a need of effort by intermittencies, this year. In your for interior, you will feel to grow your creativity, and it will not be an illusion. Indeed, the aspects of Pluto, Jupiter and Uranus with your sign will cause in you a peace favorable with any form of creativity. You will need to improve your comfort of life, your work conditions, to make return of the pleasure in the life in the broad sense. And that occupies you more largely than last year. You will meet circumstances which will allow you to extend your prospects for pleasures in strange directions! The Jupiter impulses slacken their pressure, which brings more freedom to you d' action compared to your entourage.
This is your creativity which will be your best professional asset, this year. Indeed, the Jupiter impulses in aspect to your sign bring to you a very particular retreat of your work; and that will generate in you new, fertile ideas for the future. It will act to prepare the ground to start truly in February. First steps will be felt as well on the level of the fruitfulness of your ideas as from the relational supports than you will find: those will be of technical order, logistics. You would have more difficulties in find collaborations d' tactical order, but on the other hand you will be surprised to find among your usual detractors a support which will be used to materialize your projects. Those of the first decant of the sign will be able to change career in a radically positive way, this year.
You incline resolutely towards serenity, this year, in the sentimental field. Your thirst for peace and balance is of increase. But the circumstances which you will know however encourage you to carry out handing-over in question which are essential but which goes to the opposition to your immediate peace. On the other hand, you are likely to attract partners who are in search for protection. Be careful, even if that is definitely very flattering… In the long run, that could become a load of too in your life! April 2013 and Mars will be most carrying personal satisfactions, you will be right to show all the



sign gemini


2013 would be a thinking and planning oriented year for you.
You might be low on ideas and activity till end May but a new cycle of growth and understanding could come after June commences.
A new learning phase could commence. Some issue relating to children possible this year.
Health of self & children should be handled cautiously between February & June 2013.Also you should guard against negative & depressive thinking.
In between these challenges some new brilliant ideas would come about too. You should be careful about your relationship with siblings this year.
The astral configurations of this year 2013 will enable you to crown your launched efforts last year, in the relational field. This will have effects in many circumstances. Indeed, the impulses of Uranus in aspect to your sector, escorted Mars and Sun will notably facilitate your exchanges and their clearness. New choices become possible and those are turned spontaneously in the direction of evolutions which bring you closer to your objectives. And in spite of the agitation which at certain times will be intense, your personal road is seen facilitated by your entourage and its influence. Mercury comes to flux your practical steps, you will have more space to live with a big L !
Certain professional concern arrives in the long term, this year. Indeed, here that solution arrives thanks to outside assistances, proposals, etc…. You begin the year with a beautiful note of jupiterian optimism, which brings a promising relational chance to you. You will collect the fruits in November of them, for the hour, this is the moment to launch useful preparations. Your colleagues leave you more freedom of action that these three last years, peace settles and leaves you more freedom to devote itself to individual work. That with the excess can lead you to too cutting you others and their opinions and supports, which will be able to pass for the ingratitude. It is up to you to keep a minimum of opening and especially of flexibility… You do not be the only one with being in truth !
The stability of your emotional ties will be the one of your absolute priorities, this year. Indeed, the aspects of Saturn with Neptune beats full sound and wake up in your fears which will cause defense reactions in a constructive direction in your attitude with the Other. The effects Uranus in aspect to your Sun will support your efforts in the direction of a denser expression in love. Moreover, the changes you set up start to bear their fruits. The general climate is tender at the beginning of year. Your loves tint increased tenderness, you will have more resources to reinforce your agreement, the harmony settles, without you losing the intensity in love which holds you with heart. Will be able to reason your requirements if you are alone, the meetings claim efforts in this direction, it is necessary to round the angles, not to appear harder



sign cancer


You will find 2013 a year when lot of changes would come in domestic matters as well as property related matters.
Spouse would do exceptionally well as this year will see growth for spouse in leaps & bounds. Domestic unrest possible but at the same time very good chances of purchase of a new property possible too.
You will find very good gains & high income till end May 2013. Beyond June your expenses could go up and there would be high chances of investing in property.
Major career decisions should be avoided throughout this year. Do not make career changes easily.
The efforts which you provided these two last years truly start to give tangible results, this year 2013. That will touch all the fields of your life, and your increased conscience will not allow you to avoid this report. This progress will generate new resolutions at the end of the year; and as a success never arrive alone, you will also have many occasions to enrich your life thanks to new knowledge, dialogues with these people who will open new doors to you which will be positive short cuts for your projects. Only the influence Pluto can slow down you from nostalgic moods, you do not stop especially with the considerations of the past, go ahead.
You will be thorough to make considerable efforts, this year, in your professional life. Indeed, the impulses of Pluto, combined with those of Mars will largely support your intellectual efforts and your need of mental action and of creativity. You will not be lack of it; inspiration as regards making up for certain lost times, attaching you to fill certain failures. If you have a trade in relational matter, the chance is with you to conclude from the agreements, to buckle sales, to start negotiations which you think sometimes impossible to implement. A whirling of activities can involve you with making some too much, not to have to stop you in time; made in kind of sparing sufficient time for your intimate life, particularly. Nothing is used for to run… To disavow your objectives firmly, bet on the long run.
Beyond your propensity natural to idealize the sentimental love songs, you this year will exceed you to concretize your most personal dreams. You will not have patience to make cinema and especially to play the detachment that you do not test! So you can test difficulties of respecting the needs of independence of your partner, who will not fail to him to assert his share of autonomy, especially during the first three months of the year. You will be able to then pass to the action and to put all the chances of cutter with dimensions. Because you will have then, more impact and of magnetism in the sentimental field… On the other hand, a Saturn dissonance wakes up fears of abandonment which take root very far in your past… And even



sign leo


Your sign is a grand Lion sign & the planetary combinations will give you a regal position & a grand demeanor this year. You will be in control throughout. Your aggression and a somewhat superior air would be accepted by people around you.
The year will begin with an aggressive streak along with very high activity at work. You will be in touch with people in authority and also remain in the midst of very important events & projects. Hard work& professional pressures will be high. A method to this madness would emerge after the 30th January. Between February & end May 2013, career will rise & so will your position. The gains due to all these important contact and an enhanced position will commence from June 2013 & there will be exceptional increase in your income & financial position till the end of the year.
Concurrently you will be able to expand the sphere of your influence tremendously. A combination of Saturn & Rahu will bring in exceptional dynamism and ability to increase your stature. You will be focused, harsh at times & very businesslike to take your self to a new peak this year.
In this high activity phase relationships & marriage might take a backseat. While you will have great socializing opportunities after June 2013 & make some very high profile friends this year, bonding in relationships could take a backseat. Partner / spouse will be lonely & could seek consoling elsewhere. You need to be very careful & ensure in the high activity as well as din of the grand progress that you make, your cherished relationships get the importance that they deserve.
A higher level of interest in religion & spirituality will emerge after mid January this year. Spiritual pursuits like meditation, yoga & chanting will be very successful for you.
You need to be careful about sports related injuries. Extra caution required during April & May.
New love & a very exciting relationship could come during February & March. In case you are unmarried or unattached you could get into a serious relationship which could lead to commitment during June 2013.
This is an exceptional year for you. You should make the most of it. The period June to December offers unprecedented gains & growth. Best wishes & have a wonderful 2013.
The events will connect in a natural way for your eyes, this year. The planetary aspects which reign in your sector facilitate the relational wheels of your life, as well as fruitfulness of ideas essential to the good walk of your projects. Only Saturn throws a shade of deep realism which can give you moments melancholic persons of regrets d' a last unconcern. But beyond this phenomenon, you will have many occasions to delight you by the positive effects of your reinforced realism: it helps you to ensure your backs with effectiveness. The impulses of Pluto will develop your imagination and your creativity of an innovative dash, that will play in all the fields of your life, in particular sentimental. Follow your inspirations; they positively approach the desires of your entourage.
The astral influences of this year will push you to develop your sociability and your direction of the exchanges. Indeed the aspects of Pluto, and Mars to your Sun highlight divergences between your points of view and those of certain people



sign virgo


2013 would be a significant year for career as well as family matters. The recent challenges you have felt during 2012 will ease out, as an impression of abundance would come about in your life.
Challenges in family matter will be present. There might be health problems for close family or unnecessary issues in family life. The good news is that these problems are like to bond your better with people around you.
You will find that no matter what the issue, your luck will remain strong enough to bail you out of situations that come up this year.
A tendency to worry more than usual will develop from February.
Career will get into a phase of expansion from June 2013. There will be new opportunities in work, your stature would rise, a promotion is in the offing and the scope of your work will expand and so would the pressures. November onwards the activity level will peak and significant work related changes would start showing up. You should work as hard as possible and not think about returns. All growth & new areas that open up now, will bring exceptional gains next year.

Financial position will rise this year. The source of funds could be mysterious in nature, at least to outsiders. You will get an opportunity to make lots of money. Some of the sources might be dubious. You should be discerning in your commercial decisions now. Stock markets or equity investments could become a source of big earning now.
Marriages will be quite positive. Spouse will be nice and gentle till May 2013. June onwards spouse will experience a rise in career & status. While this will bring a rise in prosperity, the closeness felt in the earlier parts if the year could slip away. You should ensure you spend quality time with spouse and bond well throughout.
Love & romance could be dry this year. There would be some karmic or fatalistic aspects to love. September might see a new love which would be more fated than planned for you.
Health might become a concern for you during June. You should be cautious about injuries too during this.
2013 would be very good to make progress at work and make some exceptional financial gains.

You pass to high speed, this year, in all the fields. This is by the other ones than you will consolidate the things, through your knowledge which you will find the feeling of internal security that you seek. The impulses of Mars will galvanize your actions in the direction of a greater safety, in the broad sense, and in all the fields. Your conservatism will carry you chance and will enable you to get rid of certain material concern, in particular. That releases you the spirit to pass to high speed to make evolve/move your projects in a constructive direction. Much to make, in a slackened relational environment, here a beautiful program.
The course of your professional life goes s' to accelerate, this year. Indeed, you will have at the same time requirements to regulate very quickly and changes d' organizations to be set up. The impulses of Mars boost your need for recognition, and that will help you to face the transformations which will not lack to happen. You put the twice the work in your daily work, and your zeal tends to wake up the malicious gossip. You do not astonish in addition to measure and carry on your road without you to formalize… The Mercury impulses



sign libra


This would be a major milestone year for you. A special planetary combination called Maha Yoga forms in your first house, due to the combination of Saturn & Rahu. While it will make you quite somber & stoic, the results would be a greater amount of focus and cold precision in what you do. All these would bring in excellent results professionally as well as financially.
You need to be cautious about being too dry in relationships & with partner. Along with the high level of growth, day to day hurdles& irritants could go up in life too. A tendency to be very fixed & unrelenting would build up as you go ahead this year. Also a tendency to besecretive will build up too. You need to not let these negative traits build up as this might lead to a loss of goodwill that you enjoy with people around you.
Pressures at work that you had been experiencing since October last year will subside finally after January end & better luck with team members will be ushered in from June 2013. Even overall luck in finances, work as well as family will improve. Beneficial travels as well as luxury holidays could come about from June 2013 too till the end of the year.
Marriages & relationships will find this year turbulent. Your extreme preoccupation at work coupled with an over expectation from spouse will become a reason for fall in bonding as happiness in marital matters. A new love interest could build up after mid January. It is however likely to bring in more heartburn rather than happiness. You should not be disillusioned with current relationships. Rather rationalize your expectations and build on a platform for better rapport with partner.
2013 is a very work oriented year. You need to be focused & steer away from controversy in other aspects in life to be able to obtain the maximum growth at work.
The blossoming of your most important projects will be specified finally, this year. You will affirm your values clearly, from concrete and visible acts for all. You will not have yet this year of the inspirations in this direction. New projects arrive; you more easily take conscience of your needs, which will connect naturally by the comprehension of the needs for your entourage. Rich person conversations will teach you much from it, in all the fields. Do not flee your contacts; the insulation is worth you nothing, this year !
You arrived here at the hour of the assessments, this year. You will be pleased to see materializing the fruits of their efforts passed in the form of a promotion, increase, change of status. Facilities are announced, and the recognition is really very close to you. Nevertheless, you will have to finish details to finally cross the course which you hope for, if such is your case. But in a general way, you will be more with the ease in all that touches with the technique. Whatever your profession, wait to have itself to exchange more with d' other people and in same time to re-orientate your action, your way of working towards new objectives. The new departures are highly favored; this is the moment to consider a formation or the fact of resuming studies, particularly.
Your loves this year
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sign scorpio


Your sign Scorpio signifies determination, secrecy & persistence till you reach your goal. 2013 will see the planetary combinations in harmony with your nature. Most of your professional activities will be under wraps. Quite a lot of work would be done out of the public eye.
This is one year when you will gain much from clandestine work, behind the scenes activity & more. You will be on projects that you might be able to share much about with others. At times work could be on the borderline of legal & illegal. You will have to be very cautious post June 2013 to avoid falling to temptation. Since there are chances of getting an adverse brush with law, not breaking the law would be the best option for you.
Chances of marriage will be quite high this year too. If you were not able to get married, then chances are bright till May 2013. At thesame time love affair that are unconventional could happen too. An element of forbidden & secrecy in love matters would take place too. The attraction & romance could be more physical than emotional this year.
Professionals would have a very gainful year. There would be a possibility of making gains from clients who need you desperately. There would be an opportunity to get paid very well for your efforts.
Health might be lower than average after June. You might feel a pull down on your overall well being. Ability to take pressure & deep thinking might be effected.
Expenses & outflows would be very high this year. You should keep away from any kind of speculative activities. New overheads might turn out to be wasteful. You should work within the existing parameters and success is better achieved when your expenses & liabilities are down.
Overall the year will present challenges. Finances might cause some issues but you will manage well. Faith in god & righteousness would be good safeguards now.
The resumption of the re-entry continues intensely, for you, this year. You enter the year under planetary impulses very instigating with the social plan, relational. And paradoxically, you will test a need for withdrawal, of retreat, even insulation towards the change appropriated which will still not miss arising. The last Jupiter impulses in a friendly sign are there to give you the last fundamental dashes of the opening of your ambitions. The aspects of Venus and Mars thereafter will reactivate your creativity… In all the fields! You will live intense alternations of contacts and meditation, phases of work concentrated with moments of total relaxation.
Your professional life is announced rich moving relational, profitable collaborations, fertile agreements for your future. Occasions of changes will have to arrive more close to your ambitions. You will be confronted with circumstances which bring new knowledge to you, and which thereafter, will open doors to you on the professional level. To envisage joint projects or which approach and are supplemented between you and these people. Dialogues will notably inform you on the true nature of your professional motivations. If you work in the artistic field or if you have a trade in creative matter, the chance will


sign sagittarius


2013 would be a landmark year for you. Going with your frank & upfront disposition the planets are favorable and help you be successful by just being yourself. It has been quite a few years since you have had such a successful run as you will experience during 2013.
You will begin the year in a turbulent phase that will run till end January. Clarity will emerge February onwards. You will thereaftergear up for an active & positive year thereafter. Gains at work, income and many new opportunities will emerge. 2013 promises to be very positive socially. You will make new friends who would be faithful & stick with you for times to come. Career will do amazingly well. You will find success in nearly all you do. The ability to find and hold onto profitable deals would be highest now. Chances of getting into a new & very profitable partnership possible now.
Marriage for the unmarried would become after June 2013. You will find bliss at home. Spouse, if already married, would be very positive and supportive now. Relationships will become serious & commitment could take place now.
Health problems related to stomach need to be guarded against in the last quarter of the year.
The year overall is very positive and nearly all aspects will be in your favor. Enjoy the 2013 and you can achieve all you desire this year, if you make the effort.
The astrological tendencies of this year will bring to you a new dash of life, able to make you reverse obstacles of size. Indeed, Jupiter reinforced by the progressive distance of Pluto lead you to a more optimistic state, and brings to you more occasions to remove you from constraints and considerations become obsolete now. You will test a deep need to make safe your life and that of your close relations, and you will launch out in the action without difficulties, quite to the contrary! You to slow down in time will be essential pure not to burn stages.
You resolutely engage your basic energy within the framework of your work, this year. Indeed, you are at the same time tranquillized from the results which you had spring last, and galvanized by those to go still further. The last Jupiter rays encourage you in this direction, and rightly. Because you still will find on your road of opportunities of rise and professional blooming, particularly through research, relations related to the administration, and all that is legal, official will be dependent there. Your bonds with your superiors s' announce fluid because you will have the art to make circulate your ideas with tact and good sense. These last will be advantageous with your hierarchy, but do not bet all on the presentation: envisage also the fact that questions will be asked to you about organization, anticipating these technical details will be paramount for your success.
Your loves this year begin under auspices promising in terms from stability, construction, transformations with the long run. Indeed, you profit from the support of Saturn and of Pluto, this alloy will help you


sign capricorn


Career, Career & Career. This is how 2013 would emerge for you. Your personal abilities will peak while your stature would rise too substantially. It is a year when your will wield much higher authority & the ability to mold things the way you will. An explosion of new opportunities will come about after the 14th January 2013. Not all of these options would be the right ones. You have to remember that all that glitters is not gold. As long as you are discerning & cautious about your career choices, a meteoric rise at work can come about for you.
One aspect that you need to remember is that sudden growth is liable for sudden fall also. Therefore you should remain humane, understanding and polite to people around you. Chances of carrying out activities which might not be totally legal. You need to remain cautious & not cross legal lines which you might regret towards the end of the year.
It is a great year from the perspective of children. If applicable, very good chances of birth or conception of a child till May 2013. You will be very creative this year. New ideas and capabilities would develop for you. You could learn a lot this year. If you make efforts, the new path you take up now will put you in good trajectory for the next 3-4 years. Career & hard work will be the norm after June 2013.
Focus will be high on professional aspects & therefore chances of neglecting personal life & some gaps in love possible. You should ensure you do give more time to your family this year. You need to be careful about injuries just at the beginning of the year as well as during August & September.
2013 will be a landmark year. Career progress will be high. You should make the most of this time & make up as much of professional ground, as possible, this year.
You will live planetary impulses which will allow you in a general way, to find more lightness and to diversify you. More occasions of leisure, thus an increased facility will be born, you will learn how thanks to the situations that you will meet, to still relativize more the human phenomena. This is your tolerance which extends your comprehension in all the fields. That brings a serenity increased to you thus a greater moral energy to apprehend the circumstances with an unquestionable sense of smell; the stars release you this year of certain material considerations, which leaves the free field to more humanistic concerns to you.
The Saturn impulses and Pluto in aspect with your sign come to reinforce your basic effectiveness, this year. You combine depth of reasoning with a major realism, and this is without you to veil the face which you will consider your situation present before starting again this year. This will be possible with changes that you will be able to set up. Your approach towards your collaborators, your superiors will install a climate of trust which enables you to play of your assets in all peace: you will put a point of honor particular to return work well done, with the chalk line. And in fact, your efforts of precision will be worth for sympathies and recognition! Stain despite everything not to make for as much the work of the others, which they will be tempted to benefit from your spontaneous



sign aquarius


This year will be useful in planning & charting out your future as you plan your next jump professionally as well as fulfill certain personal goals now. A significant turn around would come after June 2013.
You will see an increase in creative powers, higher luck & better prospects at work.
2013 will see a lot of travel too like the last year. However this time the travel will yield much better results than in the past.
During your travels this year you are likely to get in touch with people who are well connected politically or would yield political power themselves. This is likely to bring much progress at work and there would be growth professionally. A tendency to be short tempered & rude with colleagues and people around you, might develop as the year progresses. You will need to be cautious & not let that happen this year as some major backfires would occur in 2014, where you might require the same people whom you shun during 2013.
If applicable, good chances of birth or conception of a child, possible after June 2013. It is a creatively inclined year. There would be chances of learning new methods of work and opening up new communication channels this year.
Overall 2013 will bring in many new opportunities. If you are discerning and focused much progress will become possible this year for you.
The peace of last year leaves place to a climate definitely more active, encouraging for the future, because richer in possibilities. You urged on here by Jupiter, in square with your sign, throughout the year 2012. That will start situations which require your share an immediate reactivity. Your impulsiveness goes up out of arrow and occasion of the needs hidden with deepest reveals consequently you for you, who go back to surface. You pass to high speed in your relations with the others, in all the fields. More demanding, more direct, you will have facilities to slice too fuzzy situations.


Your professional life will evolve this year through changes which will imply you personally. One gives you new directives, or this is you who will understand into what you must change strategy, if you have a free-lance work. That will not go without hesitations and doubts, especially during spring 2012. You despite everything are supported by a faith in you which will enable you to make efforts of adaptations. The Saturn impulses push you to consider your professional life with the long run very. The contrary is also possible. But if you flee this tendency natural to see far, you will not draw from satisfactions; advancing is what you have of to better do. The seeds which you sow this year will bring you of the facilities for next February.
Your loves veil passion, this year. The square of Mars and Venus to your sector, thus in Neptune comes to cause in you a need of excessively in normal weather, you control much better your tendency to reason, to leave more place to your spontaneous impulses. That comes owing to the fact that you are releasing you on the emotional level, you fear less to release you, to some extent. It would be positive to go at the end of your handing-over in questions on this subject, in order to prove to you that this is your naturalness and nothing else which can cause at the others of the true feelings in your connection. Your need to be liked relies only on
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Sunday, 13 January 2013



sign pisces


2013 would be a better year than 2012 but the pressures & challenges will continue despite minor improvements. This is a year when you have to take care of your health & remain cautious of injuries.
Unexpected & uncertain events are likely to present themselves to you on many occasions this year. You need to live life with humility & a positive attitude. Any form of bad or difficult behavior could backfire upon you.
You public image will improve vastly this year. Issues that might have been bothering you, might go away after end January 2013. An overall improvement in your status & position will come about for you after June 2013 commences. There will be good chances of purchase or move into a new property after June 2013 too.
Health of spouse too might look downwards now. Pressures could build up particularly so after mid February till early July 2013. You need to remain cautious on this account.
Considering the various trends & events, 2013 would be challenging most of the time. Caution & positive attitude would be required to go on this year.
You continue good progress the tempo of last year. 2012 will be synonymous of action, of launching of projects. The germs of those will find ramifications with people able to help you. Their installation occupies your reflexions, in all the fields. You act apart from any impulsiveness, and you made well! The Saturn impulses re-inflate your confidence in you compared to your ideals. They appear less utopians to you than d' ordinary. You will gain in independence and will find d' instinct means of releasing you from the obstacles which you will not tolerate any more.


The planetary tendencies acting on your sector will encourage you to make, with clean as with illustrated, a general assessment on your personal capacities. Indeed, you seek this year spontaneously to exceed you, on your capacities and your results, especially. You will have in heart to bait you on details in order to gain in control on the great aspects. On the other hand, a certain nervousness risks to appear compared to your collaborators and with your superiors. You will be able despite everything to make a fuel of it to advance as much more effectively. It will not be inevitably visible, but you will be aspired to make this that it is necessary to take account of the external tensions to improve you. The impulses of Uranus in aspect in Pluto support the blossoming of carrying projects in the long run.
You bathe this year in a euphoric climate of softness in the sentimental field. The stars league to enable you to transform the course of your emotional life towards more satisfactions, of good being. From your attitude, you sow good seeds in your wake. To like is largely facilitated to you, at all the stages. Whether it is for a transitory attraction or complicity of a life, you will find pleasures to live intensely throughout your course. You spontaneously activate your faith in life and your optimism, which will be contagious compared to your partner. On the other hand, your superficial sensitivity is likely to make you test too hard certain situations and certain remarks. Unreasoned fears, impulses based on subjective feelings can appear. You need to bring you closer people who correspond truly to your sensitivity. By
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